All about our griffon stable …

North Eastern Entrance – Ground Level – Griffon Stable – Fort Hobart


The capability and suitability of griffons as combat mounts and animal companions have been recognised across the Republic of Darokin and the Known World. Many locales have augmented their ground and aerial fighting strength with griffons, the most well-known being the legendary griffons of the Retebius Air Fleet from the Empire of Thyatis.

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Wings Over Mystara on StartPlaying

“Griffon” by Tatiana Makeeva, ArtStation

After a very successful trial, we are delighted to announce the public release of our Wings Over Mystara one-shots. If you’ve ever wanted a griffon of your own and entree to adventures across Mystara’s magical skies, now is your chance.

Sign up on StartPlaying, a good move for any tabletop gamer keen to explore remote play opportunities, and join our next session. Come fly with us!

Fireworks over Sayr Ulan

One efreeti is dangerous. Three efreet are a fiery nightmare.

After a prolonged and spectacular aerial battle high over the slums of Sayr Ulan, the largest city in the Kingdom of Sind, three young griffon riders, their salty new acquaintance Torsten, and his temperamental griffon Skritch have only just managed to defeat one of three efreet chasing them. The two larger efreet are showing no signs of giving up in spite of the defeat of their smaller companion.

Continue reading “Fireworks over Sayr Ulan”